Stone Cold Knockout Read online

Page 18

  The third round started with promise. Gennifer's stance was still good and her feet were moving. Then Javier got in a straight shot that almost knocked her on her ass. Mikhail muttered a quick curse in Russian, his gaze sweeping across the crowd. He zeroed in on Big Jimmy who looked anything but happy. His face was creased in a frown and his big meaty arms were crossed over his chest. Mikhail turned back to Gennifer. He could only watch as she took hit after hit, impatiently waiting for the round to end like his life depended on it.


  Gennifer had never felt more alive.

  After all the years that she'd wanted to fight a man in the ring, she finally had the chance. She had stayed on her feet for almost three rounds, too. Despite the pain, she was loving every minute of it.

  The screams and cheers of the crowd echoed in her ears as she dodged Javier's jab to her face. She knew it was do-or-die time. She had to stun him soon or she would miss her window. She could feel the fatigue taking over. When he took a step into her, she finally saw her chance. She hit him in the side of the face with her left-hook, putting every once of strength she had left into it. Time slowed to a crawl as the impact of her punch slammed his face to the side.

  Unfortunately, she let her guard down.

  He countered with a straight right and she didn't even see it coming. She ended up flat on her back and the world sped up in an instant. The lights were blisteringly hot, blazing down on her as she lay on the hard mat. She rolled her head to the side and saw that Javier was down as well, on his hands and knees. She'd knocked him down with her punch. She heard the ref start the countdown, his voice muffled in her ears.

  “One! Two! Three!” the ref yelled, the seconds slowly ticking by.

  Get up, she told herself. If she got back to her feet before Javier, she would win. She pushed herself onto her side, her head throbbing. Javier put one foot on the ground, but didn't stand. She sat up on her ass, her arms feeling limp and worn out. She tried to push up with her legs, but her body just wouldn't let her.

  “Eight! Nine!” The ref was staring down at her, waiting to see what she was going to do. Frustrated, she could only watch as Javier got to his feet before the ref got to ten.

  Javier Domingues won, fair and square.

  Gennifer brought her knees up to her chest and did the only thing she could do—she laughed. Javier held out his arm to help her and she let him haul her to her feet. She enveloped him in a hug, not caring that he was just as sweaty as she was.

  “Thanks,” she murmured in his ear.

  “Thanks for what? I just beat your ass,” he said, smiling wide.

  “Barely,” Gennifer said, taking a step back.

  “Barely still counts, G,” he said, then held his arms up in victory. Gennifer rolled her eyes and laughed along as the crowd cheered for them. She turned back to Mikhail and he was watching her every movement intensely, like he was trying to make sure she was okay.

  She caught his eye and lifted her glove to her nose.

  She was doing just fine.


  After a million hugs and pats on the back, Gennifer finally made her way back to the locker room. As soon as the door closed behind her, she felt her shoulders sag. Excitement still pulsed through her, but so did pain. Her ribs ached something awful, and her head pounded with a headache. She put a hand to her jaw and moaned. She wondered how long she would be sore.

  Right about then, all she wanted to do was go home and curl up in bed next to her man. She needed about fifty aspirin and a nap. Unwrapping the tape from her hands, she walked to her locker and opened it.

  When the locker room door opened, the sounds of the crowd rushed in, spoiling the quiet. She glanced over in annoyance and her heart dropped.

  Donny stood in front of the door, blocking the exit. He looked bigger than she remembered him ever being. She knew he was preparing for his first big pro fight and she wondered if steroids were a part of his training.

  “This is the women's locker room, in case you didn't notice,” she tossed over her shoulder, ignoring the fear uncoiling in her belly.

  “Yo, you giving it up to the Russian with the crazy eyes?” Donny cracked his knuckles, the sound loud in the empty locker room.

  “Fuck off, Donny,” Gennifer shoved her shit in her bag, in a hurry. “Why are you trying to ruin my day?”

  “You just got your ass beat by Javier the Faggot.” He was smug, and she ached to punch him in the face.

  “You wouldn't understand, because you're an idiot.”

  “Answer my question,” he said, his voice taking on a sharp edge. Gennifer looked toward the door, as if hoping that Mikhail would appear would actually make it happen.

  “What question?”

  “You fucking that white dude?” He stepped forward, crossing his arms over his now-massive chest. Anger flared up her spine.

  “Donte Hernandez! That is none of your fucking business.” She slammed the locker door.

  “Does he know that I used to hit that? That I had you begging for my dick?”

  Gennifer stifled a laugh, knowing that it would only make the situation worse. “That's not exactly how I remember it. As I recall, you stuck it in and came about thirty seconds later. Big deal.” Now it was his turn to laugh, a nasty sound that let her know it was time for fight or flight. Donny had always been an asshole, but she'd gotten used to not seeing him. He'd been gone so much lately, that she rarely had to deal with him. She preferred it that way.

  “Donny, why are you bothering me?” She threw her bag over her shoulder, stepping closer to the door.

  “I don't like that Russian motherfucker.”

  “I'm sure he doesn't like you, so you're even.” She turned her back on him, hoping he would just let her go. No such luck. He grabbed her and threw her against the lockers. Her head bounced off the metal and for a minute, she saw stars. Donny's mouth was moving, she realized. He was talking to her, but she couldn't hear him over the ringing of her ears. Her hearing returned gradually as she got her wits around her.

  “Why you always such a bitch, mamí?” He grabbed her shoulders and slammed her again. The hit knocked the breath of her. “I'm tryin' to tell you something!”

  “Get the fuck off of me!” Genny brought her palm up, smashing his nose. When he reeled back, she got him good in the balls, twice for good measure. He fell back, blood dripping from his nose.

  “Goddammit, Genny!” he screamed out.

  “Fuck you Donny!” She kicked him in the ribs. “Those steroids must be going to your brain.”

  “Fucking bitch!” Donny's scream echoed in her head. The room tilted on its axis then, and she blinked, trying to stay upright. The feeling passed and she got to the door just as Donny was getting back on his feet. She exited and was immediately thrown into the loud crowd, cheering on the latest match. She swayed, her eyesight blurring. Then she felt a hand on her arm and she turned her head. Erica.

  “Oh my God, Genny! I was screaming my head off,” Erica said, near her ear. “You looked so good up there.”

  “I got my ass beat,” she said, wincing.

  “It was close. Really close.” Erica suddenly whooped with the crowd as Little Sid threw a punch that caused his opponent to hit the mat. “Kill 'em!” she screamed, right in Gennifer's ear. Wincing, Gennifer searched through the crowd, trying to focus.

  “Mikhail, where's Mikhail?” she asked Erica. Then she saw him, standing at the outskirts of the crowd. Relief washed over her. She just wanted to collapse in his arms and go home. Then rough hands whirled her around and suddenly, she was facing Donny. Blood was smeared over his face.

  “You fucking bitch!” he sneered, shaking her.

  “Don't!” She pressed her hands against his chest and pushed, hard. But it didn't seem to make a difference. He still held her, painfully hard. Erica was watching them with wide eyes. Then she kicked Donny in the shin. He growled and reared back, letting Gennifer go. She backed away and found herself hitting something hard. Mikhai
l. She felt her breath leave her in a whoosh. Mikhail put a hand on her hip possessively. Protectively.

  “You have problem?” he asked her, his accent thick.

  “I just want to go home,” she answered.

  “You got a problem, motherfucker?!” Donny was saying, yelling above the din. “Ask your girl who's dick she was up on!” She felt Mikhail's hand clench on her hip.

  “Donny, I will fucking kill you!” She lunged forward, a surge of anger taking over. She felt Mikhail's arm grab her around her waist and haul her out of the gym. When Mikhail set her on her feet outside, she leaned against him, fatigue taking over. She looked up into his face and found him laughing. “What the hell are you laughing about?”

  “Did you break his nose? Was that you?” Mikhail said.

  “I don't know. I busted him in the face because he threw me against the lockers.”

  “He what?” Mikhail's face suddenly hardened.

  “Can we just go home?” she said, then backtracked. “To your place?” He nodded.

  “Come, solnyshka.” He slipped his arm around her waist. “Give me your keys. I will drive your car.” They walked to the Mini and he opened the door for her and she slid in. She put her head against the headrest, feeling very tired. He got in and started the car and looked at her, furrowing his brow.

  “I am about to drive your car, and you do not argue?”

  “I'm too tired.” She forced herself to smile, though the simple movement felt almost painful. “Be gentle with her. She's not used to your crazy-ass driving.”

  Mikhail barked out a laugh as he maneuvered into traffic. Gennifer rolled down the window, focusing on the cool air blowing on her face, soothing her hot skin. She let her eyes close, even though she didn't want to sleep. She felt strange. Everything around her felt heightened—the sound, the light, the movement of the car. Mikhail's hand grazed her cheek and she jumped, the slight movement like a burn.

  “What happened?” He kept his eyes on the road, his jaw clenched.

  “He threw me up against the locker and I hit my head,” she mumbled. “I don't know what the hell his problem was.”

  “I will kill him, if you want.” He was smiling now, but the amusement didn't reach his eyes. They were wild gray again, not joking.

  “Don't bother. He's going pro. He'll be gone for good soon.” She rolled her head to look at Mikhail properly. His hand was tight on the steering wheel, his knuckles white. “We used to date,” she said, feeling the need to explain. “I was sixteen, a total idiot.”

  “I do not care.” He shook his head. “If he comes near you again, I will break every bone in his body.”

  “Aw, that's sweet,” she said and he snorted, wetting his lips. He was still tense, she could tell by his Adam's apple jumping with each breath. She let her fingers travel over his thigh, studying his profile. His nose had a bump in the middle and was slightly off-center, from being broken numerous times. His eyelashes were long, his lips slightly parted. She thought of how happy it made her to look into her corner and find his face. How he would give her a wink when she ran her glove over her nose, like they had a secret language all to themselves. She felt her chest tighten and she took a deep breath.

  “Misha?” she whispered.


  “Did I do well today? I tried to remember everything you told me.” She wanted him to be proud of her, she realized. And proud of being with her. It was suddenly extremely important.

  “You kept your guard up. You kept moving. You did well.” He nodded, his eyes on the road. She sighed, smiling at his efficiency.

  “Thank you,” she said, and then closed her eyes again. When they finally got to his apartment, she leaned on his arm through the lobby and up the elevator. In the apartment, he undressed her and ran the water for the shower. He was watching her, she realized. He knew something was off. He helped her into the shower, and stepped in after her. She closed her eyes, letting the hot water and steam permeate her skin. The excitement and the adrenaline of the day washed away. All that was left was the hurt, the dull ache of her bruises and cuts. She felt Mikhail's hands in her hair and she winced when his fingers skimmed the place where her head hit the metal locker.

  “Does that hurt?” he asked.

  “No,” she lied. He mumbled something under his breath, and then began washing her hair, softly. She moaned and leaned into him, loving the feel of his hard body against hers. She turned around in his arms, pressing her soapy breasts against his chest and snaking her arms around his neck. He kissed her nose, his fingers still working their magic in her hair. She could feel his erection between them, but he made no move to seduce her. She rubbed her cheek against his, closing her eyes. She craved being close to him like this. As water rained down on her, she thought about the first time they'd been together, in the shower at the gym. How they'd come together fast and hard. How he'd made her feel like the most desirable woman on Earth. Now, she couldn't imagine her life without him. She didn't want to imagine life without him.

  “Solnyshka.” he breathed. “Do not lie to me.” He took her face in his big hands, forcing her to look at him. “There is something wrong. You are too quiet.” She stared up at him, an eerie calm coming over her. The steam surrounded them, shrouding them from the outside world. She shrugged. No time like the present.

  “Misha,” she said, her voice clear and strong. “I'm in love with you.”

  Chapter 16

  The water beat down on them as Mikhail stared at her, her words echoing in his ears. His Gennifer was in love with him. Well, she thought she was in love with him. She was in love with the side of her that he showed her, the side that he revealed. She was in love with the man she called Misha. He let it sink in. But he kept his mouth shut. She smiled a bit, her eyes changing when she realized he wasn't going to reply. Then she tilted her head back into the water, rinsing her hair. He watched the water flowing over her shoulders and down the valley of her breasts. After a moment, she stepped away from him and began lathering up the washcloth. He took it from her without a word and began washing her back.

  “So you're not going to say anything?” she said after awhile. He reached around her, cupping her breasts in his hands. Then he trailed them down her stomach and to her thighs. She shivered against him.

  “I am thinking,” he finally said.

  “What is there to think about?” she fired back, pivoting around to face him. She took the washcloth back and began washing him, scrubbing his chest. He stopped her and looked into her eyes.

  “We do not know each other that well.” He maneuvered around her into the water, washing off quickly.

  “Ugh, le voy a mostrar lo que tu no sabes,” she muttered, opening the shower door and stepping out, wrapping a towel around her. He swiped his hand through the condensation on the shower door, watching her. She went to the sink, drying herself off, moving slowly. Again, he had the feeling that something was wrong with her. Her posture was off. She wasn't standing up straight, and her shoulders were set at a strange angle. He shut off the water and stayed back, giving her space. She glanced up in the mirror and caught his eye. She said something else in Spanish, he didn't know what. Then she swayed on her feet, and he got across the room and caught her before she lost her balance.

  He took hold of her chin and looked into her eyes. They were glazed, the pupils dilated. She mumbled more quick Spanish. Figuring she had a concussion, he picked her up and took her to the bedroom. He set her on the bed, wrapping her in his heavy robe. She shook her head, her Spanish coming out in slurred spurts.

  “Gennifer.” He took her chin again, forcing her eyes to focus on him. She blinked slowly, her eyelids fluttering. “Gennifer, you have a concussion.”

  “I'm fine,” she said, pushing at his hand, furrowing her brow.

  “I will take you to hospital,” he said, holding her fast. She sighed, her shoulders drooping.

  “No me siento...” she trailed off, swallowing with difficulty. “I don't feel
good, Misha.”

  “I know, solnyshka.” He stroked her hair, not wanting to let her go. Then he froze. Blood dripped down from her nose onto her lap. She cupped her hand under her nose, then drew her hand back to look at the red splotches on her palm.

  “Misha?” She looked up at him with a question in her big brown eyes.

  “Shit.” His heart thundering in his chest, he stood and jogged into the living room. Fear hit him in the gut, and his adrenaline flared up as he searched his pants pockets for his cellphone. When he returned to the bedroom, his Gennifer was flat on her back, the robe open, exposing her nakedness. Her thighs were clenched together and her head was ticking to the side. Bright red blood smeared across her face onto the white sheets. A wave of panic washed over him and, although he reached her side in a matter of seconds, it felt like a lifetime. He pulled her against him, holding her as she seized, tremors wracking her unconscious body.

  Her heard her name repeating over and over in the recesses of his brain, and he realized his lips were chanting her name as well, willing her to come back to him. Because he was terrified. Because he was a coward. Because he was in love with her too, and he hadn't told her, even though he'd had the chance. And now she might never know.


  Mikhail stood in the corner of the waiting room, watching Gennifer's ragtag family swarming nearing the elevators, waiting for the doctor to come and give an update. Big Jimmy and his wife were there, and Maria was hysterical. She'd run up to Mikhail, speaking in a rush of Spanish, and had been inconsolable. Big Jimmy had given him a hard look, as if he blamed Mikhail for Gennifer's condition. Hector and Erica had not yet arrived. A host of other brown and black faces that he didn't recognize, some crying, all scared, stood beside the patriarch of the family, giving support. The kid in the wheelchair, Aaron, saw Mikhail and nodded at him, acknowledging him, but kept his distance. He wondered how terrible he must look. Did his face look as violent as he was beginning to feel? Was the violence flashing in his eyes ? It had always been hard for him to hide anger, and he was angry as fuck right about then.