Stone Cold Knockout Read online

Page 9

  When her tension was gone and her muscles gave out, he hiked her knees up high against his ribs and wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her. He slowed his pace, pressing his forehead against hers.

  “Gennifer,” he whispered, and she opened her eyes to look into his gray ones. They were dark with passion and the tendons in his neck were strained and tight. She knew he was close.

  “I loved sucking your thick cock,” she murmured, talking dirty and returning the favor. “I want to suck it all night. I want you to come in my mouth, over and over. I'll swallow it all. Every drop.”

  “You will suck me until I tell you to stop.”

  “I'll never stop,” she said, licking her lips and craving him in her mouth again.

  “You will only stop when I want to fuck.” He swerved his hips, his big cock hitting spots she'd never felt before. Stars burst behind her eyes and she moaned like an addict. “Beg me to fuck your pussy.”

  “Fuck my pussy, Misha,” she heard herself saying through the haze. “Fuck it hard.”

  “Do you like how I fuck you?” he asked, punctuating his words with two deep thrusts. She bit down hard on her lip, her body throbbing around him.

  “I love how you fuck me,” she said, knowing the statement was true the second it left her mouth. Mikhail was the best sex of her life, hands down. There was no contest. He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes at her words. She put her hands on either side of his face, wanting to watch him come. He thrust hard one last time and then his body locked. He rasped something in Russian and she felt him jerk hard inside her. He opened his eyes and his gaze bore into hers, the fire consuming them both. Her breath caught in her throat as the air shifted around them. Everything was different now, she realized. There was no going back with Mikhail. When he kissed her, slower and less rushed, it was almost loving, his tongue caressing hers and his lips soft. She felt a pang in her heart and immediately pulled away. This was just fucking. Not love, she reminded herself.

  “Probando e que se guisa,” she murmured aloud, able to feel his heart beating out of his chest. Trying is how you will know. She had known the sex between them would be off the charts, but damn. She was going to be feeling him into next week. He pressed his forehead to her shoulder, taking a deep breath. She dropped her feet to the floor, whimpering when his cock slipped out of her. Her body throbbed and pulsed, not used to such vigorous action.

  “You surprise me, solnyshka,” he said, lifting one of her wet curls to his nose. “I like surprises.”

  “I'm not surprised,” Gennifer whispered, moving around him to stand under the stream of hot water. She wasn't surprised at all. The sex had changed everything, just like she knew it would. After a moment, she glanced back at him, feeling almost shy. She had just acted like a straight up tigra, a wild woman. And now she had the nerve to be shy?

  He was hunched over like he was in pain, his forehead pressed to the cool tile of the wall. Then he pushed himself up and faced her. She couldn't stop herself from smiling at him, and he reciprocated. And then all awkwardness was gone.

  “Come here.” Gennifer beckoned him and he came, pulling off the condom and tossing it aside. She lathered up her hands with the soap and ran them down his chest. She continued until she reached his sex and he drew in a sharp breath. “You have a gorgeous dick,” she said, stroking her hand down his length. He winced and she laughed.“Did we over do it?” she asked.

  “It is worth it.” He cupped her chin, bringing his lips to hers. He kissed her like he hadn't just had his fill of her, licking and biting at her lower lip until she was halfway ready to jump him again. Then he took the soap from her and lathered her up, taking care on her breasts. He fondled and massaged them under his big hands until she was putty in his hands. When she wasn't paying attention, he slipped them under her arms and she squealed.

  “I'm ticklish!” she admonished him, ducking out of his grasp. He stared at her like she'd just grown two heads.

  “I do not understand,” he said, although she had a sneaking suspicion that he did.

  “Just...don't do that,” she said. She stepped under the water to wash off and he pulled her to him, her back against his chest.

  “I do what I want,” he said. “You like what I do, yes?” Gennifer kept her mouth shut. He didn't need to get a big head about it, but hell yes, she absolutely liked what he did. He chuckled in her ear, sweeping the wet curtain of her hair over her shoulder. He kissed her neck, his hands drifting down to her hips. “Anytime you want me to do again, you let me know,” he said, his voice dancing in amusement.


  Gennifer exited the locker room, her damp hair in a messy bun on top of her head. The gym had completely cleared out, and no one was there to notice her swollen lips and just-been-fucked expression. Hector was nowhere around. She darted a look back at the door to the locker room, knowing Mikhail would push it open soon. She put her head down and headed for the exit, not wanting anyone to see her and Mikhail and get any ideas. She did not need that. She would never get any peace.

  “Gennifer!” A female voice rang out across the gym and Gennifer decided to ignore her and keep moving. She was so close to escaping. “Hey Genny!” Erica yelled louder, her voice impossible to ignore. Gennifer sighed in defeat and stopped in her tracks. She turned in time to see Erica jogging down the office stairs.

  “I was just on my way out,” she said, making it a point to check her watch as Erica jogged up to her.

  “Hey,” Erica said, out of breath.

  “What's up?” Gennifer asked, impatient. She looked over Erica's shoulder at the locker room door.

  “You okay?” Erica asked, her green eyes wide.

  “Girl, why wouldn't I be?” Gennifer furrowed her brow. What was the chick getting at?

  “Oh...I saw you, um, take some hits earlier. Just checking.” Erica bit her lip. Gennifer chomped down on the gum she'd gotten from Mikhail, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.

  “Yup. Doing fine.” Gennifer's breath caught in her throat as Mikhail pushed open the locker room door behind them and strolled out. He passed the two girls and time seemed to stop as both she and Erica looked at him. He nodded at Erica and winked at Gennifer and she felt her pussy clench.

  “Ladies,” he murmured. Then he was gone, pushing through the front door and disappearing into the dark night. Gennifer turned back to Erica, who was now watching her intently. Dammit. The girl was on to them. Gennifer glanced skyward and realized that Erica had come from the office. The same office where Hector would be busy filling out paperwork at this time of the night. She smiled.

  “What were you doing up in the office?” she asked, happy to get heat off of her. Erica blushed pink to the roots of her red hair.

  “Hector said he would show me a move. In the ring,” Erica said, unconvincingly, twisting a red curl around her finger.

  “He's gonna show you something alright.” Gennifer couldn't resist. Erica's eyes widened and she giggled.

  “You think? He's hard to read,” Erica whispered, leaning forward. Hector took that moment to exit the office, and stood at the top of the stairs, staring down at them.

  “Genny, you on the way out?” he asked. His eyes scoured the gym, no doubt looking for Mikhail.

  “Yup, I have an early appointment tomorrow,” Gennifer said.

  “Cool,” Hector said, apparently satisfied that the Russian was nowhere in sight. He sauntered down the metal stairs and over to them.

  “Erica says you're going to show her a move,” Gennifer said, a sly smile on her face. She was more than happy to tease Hector after all the grief he'd given her about Mikhail.

  “Yeah, so?” He narrowed his eyes, not appreciating it. Erica glanced between them, her green eyes innocent.

  “Just remember, no mixed-sex sparring,” Gennifer faux-scolded. “It's against the rules.”

  “Weren't you leaving?” Hector said, crossing his arms.

  “Something terrible could happen. She just might kick your a
ss.” Gennifer laughed. “He's out of practice,” she told Erica. “He always drops his guard.”

  “Get out!” Hector barked, pointing to the door. With an evil cackle, Gennifer headed for the door.

  “Bye, Genny.” Erica called out. Gennifer sent her a wink then waved to Hector, who shook his head in response.

  “Tan molesto,” he mumbled.

  “¡Buena suerte!” she sang out as she opened the door. Her smile faded when she saw Mikhail at the corner, leaning against the building. Waiting for her. She shivered, even though the night was sweltering. He smiled a knowing smile, chewing his gum like always. He looked at her like he had X-ray vision and could see right through her clothes. She felt herself blushing like Erica had, feeling shy again. She walked past him, and he pushed off the wall and followed her.

  “Come with me to get food,” he said, near her ear. “A good fuck makes me hungry.” Gennifer shook her head, profusely. Dinner would lead back to his apartment, she had no doubt. As tempting as it sounded, there was no way she could go another round with him that night. “Now you want to play hard to get?” he asked, amused.

  “I have an early appointment tomorrow,” she said, repeating the same lie she'd told Hector.

  “I think you will sleep good tonight,” he said, his hand slipping around her waist. He drew her close to him. “I will keep you warm.” Gennifer poked him in his hard side, smiling at his persistence.

  “I'm going home alone,” she said, although her resolve was wavering. He tightened his grip on her, turning her to face him. He stared down at her with his wild gray eyes, his face hard.

  “You are not going to get rid of me,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “I will not make it easy for you.” Gennifer rolled her eyes at his dramatic words, even as a thrill ran through her at his possessiveness. Her Russian was intense, that was for sure.

  “I'm out of practice,” she said, matter-of-factly. “I need to give my poor body a chance to recuperate.”

  “Do not tease me,” he said.

  “Oh my God!” Exasperated, Gennifer looped her arm around his neck and pulled his face to meet hers. She kissed him hard, feeling it all the way down to the tips of her toes. He moaned into her and clamped his hands on her ass. They clung to each other, the pop song from the bar next door serenading them, until both had to come up for air. Licking his lips, Mikhail smiled a slow, satisfied smile. He definitely got the message.

  “I will let you rest tonight,” he said. “But I will see you tomorrow.”

  “I'll be here.”

  “Not here. We go out.”

  “Like a date?” Gennifer asked, narrowing her eyes. “You want to take me out on a date?”

  “Is that a problem?” He cocked his head.

  “No,” she said, although her heart squeezed in her chest. She shook her head, ignoring the strange sensation. “Not a problem at all.”

  Chapter 9

  The following evening, Gennifer stopped outside the restaurant in SoHo that Mikhail had chosen. He texted her earlier to meet him there and she'd taken the train in, wanting to avoid the weekend traffic nightmare. Leaning against the wall, she kicked off her high-top Converses and slipped into her her highest 'fuck me' heels. She jammed the tennis shoes into her big bag¸ and wiggled her ass as she pulled down her dress. She had chosen her tightest body-con dress and the fabric clung to her like she'd glued the damn thing on. She topped off the green dress with a black leather jacket and big gold earrings. She had spent two hours straightening her thick hair so that it hung almost all the way down her back.

  Mikhail had only ever seen her in workout clothes and a ponytail. She couldn't wait to see his face—she wanted his eyes to pop the fuck out of his head. She'd even had the foresight to bring a clean pair of panties, so that, tomorrow, when she was doing the bow-legged walk of shame home, she wouldn't feel completely nasty. She was ready for whatever the night had in store. It had been so long since a Friday night didn't consist of going to House of Pain and then going home to bed. She was ready to paint the town red.

  She stepped inside the narrow restaurant and took a deep breath. The place was swanky—all dark wood, brown leather, and brick walls, lit by a few low hanging chandeliers. Candlelight flickered on every table. Very dark and intimate. She wondered for a moment if her neon green dress was a little out of place, then shrugged it off. It was so rare for her to be out, she wasn't going to let any insecurity ruin the night. Besides, insecurity was the opposite of sexy. Remembering how she'd been a down and dirty tigra the day before, she steeled her spine and lifted her chin. She felt all eyes on her and she scanned the room, looking for her Russian.

  Gennifer found him in the booth at the back of the dining room, blending in to his surroundings in all black. He didn't smile as she approached, but his eyes were hooded and dangerous as he took her in. She counted that as a win. He looked like he wanted to fuck her where she stood, in the middle of the crowded restaurant. He stood and moved behind her, sliding her jacket off her shoulders. She bit her lip, turned on by the chivalrous action. Everything the man did apparently turned her on, she mused.

  She slid into the worn leather booth and he followed her in, both of their backs facing the door. He dropped a hand in between her thighs possessively and she gasped. The cold metal of his gold ring slowly warmed to her skin. He smiled, finally, at her reaction to his touch, cocky as always. He lifted his vodka to his lips.

  “How was your day?” he asked, flexing his fingers against her sensitive skin. He tipped his head back and drained the glass.

  “Getting better,” she said. He chuckled, placing the empty drink back on the table. She snaked her arm around his neck and pulled him close. She kissed him softly but hungrily, tasting the alcohol on his lips. She dragged her tongue against his, cupping his rough, stubbled chin. His fingers wandered lower, to her most sensitive spot, only the thin fabric of her panties separating him from his goal. When she shivered and pulled away, he shook his head, mumbling something in Russian.“Definitely getting better,” she said, rubbing at the fuchsia lipstick she'd left behind on his lips with her thumb.

  Mikhail lifted his hand, signaling the waiter who hurried over with menus. They spoke in a flurry of Russian and Mikhail waved his hand, refusing the menu. He held up two fingers, and Gennifer was pretty sure he ordered a vodka for her. Without even asking! Leaning forward, she pasted on a bright smile.

  “Excuse me, hi. What beers do you have on tap?” she asked. The waiter looked at Mikhail.

  “At Russian place, I order vodka for you and you drink vodka. Anything else is disrespect.” Mikhail waved the waiter away. Gennifer cocked her head, the Bronx girl inside of her already threatening to come out.

  “I don't drink vodka,” she said. He laughed, like it was the silliest thing he'd ever heard.

  “Tonight, you drink vodka,” he replied.

  “No. I don't think so.” She shook her head, her big earrings brushing her bare shoulders. She felt Mikhail clench his fingers between her thighs. They stared at each other, in a standoff. The waiter returned, two vodkas on his tray. “Thanks, but I'll have a beer. Whatever's on tap.” Gennifer said. The waiter nodded, making his quick exit. Mikhail slid the vodka, poured neat, toward her.

  “Drink,” Mikhail said.

  “No.” She pulled his hand out from between her legs, hoping she was making her opinion clear.

  “Why are you always so...what is word? Stubborn?” he asked, his accent growing thicker with anger.

  “I think you're the one being a stubborn ass right now,” she said. “Please don't tell me you ordered food for me, or I am going to go off.”

  “I know what is good here. You like what I order.” He shrugged, downing his drink in one gulp. Now it was Gennifer's turn to stare at him like he'd grown two heads. Maybe some girls liked that alpha-male controlling shit, but not her. He had the wrong one.

  “Let me out.” She pushed his shoulder, trying to force him out of the booth.

“You are being silly, little girl,” his said, his eyes dark and his face hard.

  “Move!” She pushed him again. This time, he stood and she scooted out of the booth. She had to wiggle her ass again to pull her dress down her thighs. She caught the eye of the bartender, another Russian-looking motherfucker. He dropped his eyes and turned away. Then she felt Mikhail's fingers close around her wrist.

  “Come,” he said, pulling her with him as he walked towards the back hallway of the restaurant.

  “I'm not going anywhere with you!” she hissed, but he was already forcing her to follow him, down a steep staircase to a red-wallpapered hallway. “If I break an ankle, I'm going to kill you,” she said and he chuckled. But he sounded far from amused. At the bottom of the stairs, he pushed open a black door and shoved her inside. She found herself in a white marble tiled bathroom and he closed the door, locking them inside with a definitive 'click'.

  “You are tripping if you think—!” she began, but he cut her off, grabbing her upper arms and pulling her to him. She felt a thrill run down her spine—of fear, or arousal, she wasn't really sure.

  “You want to embarrass me?” he asked, his eyes hard as granite.

  “You're embarrassing me, acting like I'm some stupid puta who can't even order for herself,” she replied, unable to keep her eyes from darting to his lips, even though she was pissed at him. He wet them with his tongue, the spicy scent of the alcohol on his breath.

  “I know what is good. Do you not trust me?”